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Register now for a fast-track driving license course in Mainz or Frankfurt am Main

Get your driver's license in 14 days? It really is possible: with a fast-track driving license course at our driving school in Mainz or Frankfurt am Main! For example, you can get your driving license while on vacation without having to spend months coordinating driving school appointments and professional and private commitments. This saves you stress and you'll have your long-awaited driving license in your hands in no time at all.

Definition of driving license crash course

An intensive course at a driving school lasts between two and four weeks. During this time, driving lessons and theory lessons take place every day. The theory part comprises 14 double lessons of 90 minutes each. In addition, there are the driving lessons and 12 hours of special driving - 5 cross-country drives, 4 highway drives and 3 night drives. Once both the theoretical and practical training have been completed, the exams take place.

Before the driving license training begins, an eye test and first aid course must be attended. You should also have already registered for the practical test.

Frequently asked questions about the fast-track driving license course

If you decide to take an intensive course at a driving school, you will certainly be concerned about a number of topics beforehand. We will answer some of these questions below:

What does an intensive driving license course cost?

Depending on the region and driving school, you can expect to pay between 1,000 and 4,000 euros.

How long does the fast-track course take?

As part of an intensive course, driving license training can be completed within two to four weeks.

What are the advantages of an intensive course at a driving school?

A fast-track course is ideal for people with a small time window who do not want to or cannot coordinate their appointments over several months. An intensive course is also the perfect choice if you need your driving license quickly due to work commitments, for example when changing jobs. As there are no long breaks between the theory and driving lessons, what you have learned can be put into practice immediately.

Are you interested in an intensive driving license course at our driving school? Then get in touch with us now!

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